$3,333.00 USD

4 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

I  acknowledge that Reenee is a licensed herbalist, and makes no claims to be a medical doctor or offer any diagnosis. Reenee also makes not income guarantees.  The purpose of this program is to educate me about my mindset, body and healing by natural processes and ancient medicine, and how this can help with my business strategy.  I am ultimately responsible for my own choices as to what I do with the educational material being offered and am solely responsible for my own decisions and actions.

Aligned AF - Magic, Money, Momentum - 4 Months Close Proximity Container Monthly Payment Plan


In this 4 month close-proximity 1:1 container, I’m going to help you unlock your psychic gifts to take your business to the next level.

You will:

  • Fully own your spiritual woo and know exactly how to bring it into your business
  • Get in front of the right people who are waiting for your gifts
  • Make money doing exactly what you love
  • Build a thriving business doing what you know you’re here to do

You will no longer be questioning whether it’s possible. You will no longer holding back. Instead, you will show up fully, getting paid to do what you love, and creating a business that feels aligned, exciting, and completely yours.

What's included:

  • 12 1:1 sessions (approx 60-75 minutes)
  • Daily messenger support
  • Access to any of my programs that will help your business thrive