When I stopped waiting for 'the right time' to live my dream life...

May 16, 2024

When I stopped waiting for 'the right time' to live my dream life... And decided I was already capable of achieving it... I transformed my entire existence fast You can't keep waiting for life to magically get better.

You can't keep hoping for opportunities to just appear. You can't keep waiting for someone or something else to fulfill you.

That's not how manifesting works.

Waiting like that just pushes your dreams further away.

It repels opportunities.

It stalls your personal growth.

It keeps the success you crave away.

You need to empower yourself first.

Decide that life is already working in your favour.

Decide that achieving your goals and living your best life is normal and natural for you.

Decide that you are a person of value and that your aspirations and actions matter.

Decide that your life is thriving because that’s the existence you were meant to lead.

Stop trying to chase your dreams, and start living as if you've already achieved them.

Embody that...

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Your reality is a direct reflection of...

May 14, 2024

Your reality is a direct reflection of who you are being. When you shift your inner self, you transform everything around you—your relationships, your business, your health, love, and wealth all start to align with your new vibration.

In manifestation codes you don’t learn how to manifest one specific thing in your life.

You learn how to transform how you are showing up in the world so you naturally start attracting the things you want.

You shift your reality from the inside out.

You become the operant power in your life so that you - not your circumstances- dictate what happened next for you.

The outside world no longer determines your vibration, you do.

You step into your authentic power to magnetize what you want.

You get the real deal techniques to craft a life you’re absolutely going to love in every way.

Manifestation Codes is back on May 21st.

This is a one-month deep dive into changing your life.

We’re talking four live trainings and four group...

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Doubt? it hits everyone.

May 10, 2024

Doubt? it hits everyone. It’s totally normal.

But how long you decide to hang out in that doubt, How much it takes over your day, And how much it becomes your go-to vibe, That’s what determines how it effects you.

Everyone has their moment of doubt But when you choose that instead of allowing it to stop you you’re going to tap back into your inner magic, doubt has no power over you.

And how much power you choose to give to your doubt is what determines how things go.

The cash you rake in, The cool clients you pull in, The personal plot twists in your life story.

You’re the boss of your own story, not your doubts.

In my 1:1 container Magnet AF you master your doubts so they stop holding you back from having what you desire.

If you’re ready to move despite your doubts, message me to learn more.

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The code to manifestation is knowing that...

May 09, 2024

The code to manifestation is knowing that what you desire is already yours and the only thing you need to do is choose to experience your desire with full conviction. 

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Yantra can be a powerful tool in...

May 07, 2024

Yantra can be a powerful tool in helping shift your frequency to manifest your desires.

Follow me to learn more about how to create the reality of your dreams

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Have you ever noticed that you finally get what you want...

May 06, 2024

Have you ever noticed that you finally get what you want it was sitting under your nose the whole time?

My client K experienced just that.

She kept attracting emotionally unavailable men until we shifted her energy to allow in the relationship she truly wanted.

And guess what?

The perfect guy was already in her life, right there in front of her the whole time.

The thing is she couldn’t see him because she didn’t believe a loving romantic relationship was possible for her.

So it was never a question of her desire being available or not, it was about her being available for her desire.

Just like the sun behind the clouds, your desires are waiting for you, shining brightly. But sometimes, your own resistance clouds your vision.

When K shifted her energy to believe that the love she wanted was available to her, she realized the perfect guy was right in front of her all along.

The clouds parted, and the sunshine broke through ;)

Manifesting what you want is not...

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If you are trying to intentionally manifest...

May 02, 2024

If you are trying to intentionally manifest something, and it hasn’t happened yet, you’re not alone.

Many of my clients come to me in the same position.

Within minutes of speaking to you, I can pinpoint why you're not attracting what you desire and exactly what needs to change.

It’s not the same for everyone, so the reasons you're not seeing results can vary.

But no matter who you are or what you're trying to bring into your life, I can quickly figure out why it's not happening and help you shift to make it happen.

My approach is simple and practical. I don’t rely on vague affirmations or tell you to just "wait and hope."

Instead, I get to the root of what’s blocking you and guide you through a process that will shift your mindset and actions to get you what you want.

I'll give you the tools you need to understand why you’re not manifesting your desires and what to do about it.

Here’s what some of my clients have been manifesting with this...

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You live in a choose your own adventure, the better...

May 01, 2024

You live in a choose your own adventure, the better you become at choosing the more often you get exactly what you want.

Try this exercise daily and shift your mindset to consciously choose your reality.

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The more you embody your desire...

Apr 19, 2024

The more you embody your desire, the faster it's yours.

Embodiment happens when you release resistance to having what you want.

You probably have heard it before, live in the end state, it's all about state of being, but how do you actually hold that state? I

n my 1:1 coaching I show you exactly what's holding you back from having your desire and what you need to do to release that resistance.



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If you want to know exactly why...

Apr 17, 2024

If you want to know exactly why you aren't allowing your manifestation, My 1:1 coaching programs are perfect for you.

I will pinpoint exactly why you aren't allowing your desire and together we will shift it so you can manifest what it is you want.

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Turn Up Your Magnetism

[Because you want what you want and it's time to have it]

  • Get practical techniques to level up your magnetism

  •  You will shift your frequency making you irresistibly attractive to your desires 

  •  You will know exactly how to align your energy to ensure your desire is done

Become that "lucky" person who seems to have it all