When you do this everything changes

Jun 28, 2024

Ladies, you are a cyclical being, syncing with a natural 28-day rhythm.

Yet your world revolves around a 24-hour male circadian rhythm—dictating diets, business strategies, and goal-setting methods.

And this only aligns with your moon cycle for half of the month.

Why align with a cycle that doesn’t fully resonate with your biological rhythm?

When you nourish yourself, launch programs, or strategize your business moves according to your 28-day cycle, you unlock a profound way to create a life that resonates with you deeply.

You honour your energy so you thrive instead of feeling burnt out.

Imagine aligning every action and decision with your cyclical energy so that you:

Amplify the quality of your outputs
Deepen your intentions in everything you do
Enhance your connection with yourself
Elevate your intuition
Feel more alive, attuned, and authentically you.

Isn’t it time to tap into your true potential by aligning with your natural rhythm?

In my free Masterclass How...

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The Practical Way to Shift Timelines

Jun 26, 2024

In Manifestation Codes you will be jumping timelines regularly, just like my client P who went from a timeline of business is slow to one where her calendar is full of clients.

Or my client A who went from single to meeting an incredible man and being in the exact type of relationship she wanted in weeks.

When clients come into my world within a month their life is transformed, in some cases completely unrecognizable, like my client who went from I’m not sure about my business to a slew of new dream clients jumping in.

And I’m not just helping others, I too went from having no dance school at all 9 months ago, to opening 3 profitable locations, hiring a team, and 3 more locations in the pipelines, all while running a successful coaching business.

If you are ready to get the real low down on how to jump timelines, I’m not talking a powerful meditation or tool, I’m talking the actual practical way to jump timelines.

Get your Manifestation Codes...

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How to step into your power

Jun 25, 2024

If you are ready to call in dream clients. If you are ready to call in amazing love.

Check out my free Masterclass: Turn Up Your Magnetism where you will learn how to be Magnetic AF to everything you want.

Link here: https://www.reeneekhanna.com/turn-up-your-magnetism

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Your inability to release your fear of failure is stopping you from creating the business of your dreams.

Jun 24, 2024

When it comes to manifestation, it’s less about how badly you want something, and a lot more about how willing you are to release the thing that’s not allowing you to have what you want.

And I get it, it’s easy to get stuck in what’s comfortable, what’s familiar and hang on to those old habits, fears, or outdated beliefs. After all, it feels safe.

But what if those things are the very things that are blocking out what you actually desire.

Your inability to release your fear of failure is stopping you from creating the business of your dreams.

Your beliefs about independence is keeping you from having the type of relationships you desire.

The past wounds you are holding on to… they’re stopping that dream person from entering your life.

Your fear that there isn’t enough money, is exactly what’s preventing your abundance.

When you are more attached to these beliefs than what you truly want, the universe responds to that frequency,...

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Can you embody your desire?

Jun 21, 2024

In Manifestation Codes I break down exactly how to embody your desire and hold that frequency until your dreams become your reality.

This masterclass is for you want the most straightforward simple way to get what you want.

I show you the exact process I use with my clients to create transformational outcomes in their life.

Link here: https://reeneekhanna.mykajabi.com/offers/vd2YaKgx/checkout

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Your inability to release your fear of failure is stopping you from creating the business of your dreams.

Jun 20, 2024

When it comes to manifestation, it’s less about how badly you want something, and a lot more about how willing you are to release the thing that’s not allowing you to have what you want.

And I get it, it’s easy to get stuck in what’s comfortable, what’s familiar and hang on to those old habits, fears, or outdated beliefs. After all, it feels safe.

But what if those things are the very things that are blocking out what you actually desire.

Your inability to release your fear of failure is stopping you from creating the business of your dreams.

Your beliefs about independence is keeping you from having the type of relationships you desire.

The past wounds you are holding on to… they’re stopping that dream person from entering your life.

Your fear that there isn’t enough money, is exactly what’s preventing your abundance.

When you are more attached to these beliefs than what you truly want, the universe responds to that frequency,...

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Playing small is diminishing your magnetism

Jun 19, 2024

When you stop playing small…

When you stop worrying about rejection..

When you stop trying to please everyone just to be liked or approved…

You become Magnetic AF

I get it, seeking external validation, can be tempting, it satisfies your ego in the moment.

But the thing is, when you do this, it diminishes your magnetism.

You end up feeling resentful and disconnected.

Shrinking yourself to fit what others expect only ends up attracting people who like being around you because you meet their needs.

And they will want you to stay small.

They will want you to fit into their expectations.

But that’s not why you’re here.

You came here to live to your fullest potential.

You came here to fully express yourself.

You came here to boldly lead others from your truth.

And embracing this is what makes you powerfully magnetic.

The more authentic you are, the more magnetic you are.

If you are ready without a shadow of a doubt to pursue your desires no matter what….

If you...

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How my son manifested his airpods

Jun 18, 2024

Manifestation is just how we roll in our house! I always tell my kids that they can manifest anything they want, as long as they step into the version of themselves who already owns it.

Take my son, for instance. He had his heart set on a pair of AirPods.

You know how it is if you have a teenage son—they want all the cool tech. But here’s a twist: his real love? Cologne. He's the kid with a shelf full of scents.

So, what does cologne have to do with AirPods? Well, he started selling small samples from his collection to his friends, making a little profit here and there.

Nothing major, but he was following his passion… and here’s where it gets interesting…

While collecting payment from a buddy, he spotted an old pair of AirPods. "Are those yours?" he asked. Turns out, they were just sitting there unused.

Quick on his feet, he swaps cologne for the AirPods instead of taking the money.

Boom! AirPods manifested, just like that—all from following...

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How to Manifest Instantly

Jun 17, 2024

In Manifestation Codes you will take your desires off the pedestal and get what you want.

You will shift from the frequency of scarcity to abundance and start manifesting your desires, FAST.

Link here: https://reeneekhanna.mykajabi.com/offers/vd2YaKgx/checkout

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This is what makes you powerful at manifestation

Jun 14, 2024

Meditations, affirmations, and journaling sessions are awesome tools, but let’s be clear: they don't attract your desires—you do!

Think about it: you don’t finish a meditation and suddenly find the love of your life waiting for you right there or discover a fortune in your bank account.

These practices can shift your frequency for sure, but they aren't a magic wand for achieving your dreams.

What really makes the difference?

It’s your magnetism—how powerfully you are attracting what you desire

And when you emit a powerfully magnetic frequency all day, amazing things start to unfold in your life:

- [ ] You meet incredible people.
- [ ] Synchronicities appear out of nowhere, drawing you closer to your goals.
- [ ] It’s as if you’re a magnet for magic, and everything just flows in your direction

Yes, meditating and affirming help, but when you crank up your magnetism, your reality transforms—fast.

In "Turn Up Your Magnetism," my free masterclass,...

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Free Masterclass:

Turn Up Your Magnetism

[Because you want what you want and it's time to have it]

  • Get practical techniques to level up your magnetism

  •  You will shift your frequency making you irresistibly attractive to your desires 

  •  You will know exactly how to align your energy to ensure your desire is done

Become that "lucky" person who seems to have it all